Feng shui practitioners believe getting a good nights sleep will not only help you fell more rested, but that it will improve your health, your prosperity, your relationships and your ability to participate in life. Because sleep is so powerful and because we spend a full third of our lives doing it, adjusting your bed to make the most of natural energy flows can deliver big results. Here are simple things to do to not only get better sleep, but to get better results from your waking hours, too.
The Bed Frame
Bed Headboards Metal
Wooden bed frames are better for sleeping, according to feng shui. The metal in metal bed frames accelerates energy, which is not good for relaxing into sleep. Water beds are bad for the opposite reason -- they slow energy down so much that it stagnates.
The Headboard
Adding a headboard should make you feel more grounded. You want it to be solid wood. Avoid storage headboards, even if there's no clutter in them. The space near your head should be clear while you sleep. Also be mindful of anything hanging over your head as you sleep... most feng shui experts advise against having heavy objects hanging over a bed, and are particularly concerned about anything sharp. The idea is that having a heavy, sharp object over your head will make you scared it will fall on your head while you sleep. Even if it is just a whisp of a concern, even a subconcious concern, that's enough to disrupt the quality of your sleep.
The Mattress
While few of us have one, mattresses made of natural materials like wool, cotton and hair (ever heard of a horse-hair mattress) are much better than synthetic mattresses. This is because synthetic materials carry a stronger static charge that is more draining than it is restorative. The metal springs in some mattresses also disrupt the energy flow and can lead to feelings of confusion.
The simple design and natural materials of futons make them much better than standard mattresses in terms of feng shui. While it is common to have futons on the ground, in terms of feng shui, it is actually better to have them up off the ground, supported by a wooden frame.
Under the Bed
What's under your bed can have as much influence as what is in it. Feng shui experts advise clearing all clutter and storage from underneath a bed, and encourage giving it a good cleaning under there every so often. This allows the chi to move around and basically let the area around your bed "breathe" energetically. Some exceptions to storage include anything soft or bed related, so if you live in a really small place and have to use the space under the bed for storage, stow bedding and sweaters and other soft, natural fiber items under the bed. Speaking of bedding, its best for it to be made of natural fibers, too. Keeping bedding extra clean will boost good chi energy, as will air-drying it outside rather than using a dryer.